Saturday, October 25, 2008

Eight by eight

My friend Ruth from work tagged me, so here goes

8 Things I Like a Whole Lot
1. Fakey reality shows: America's Next Top Model, The Hills, Real World (also RW/RR Challenges), etc.
2. A clean room or car. - I know I don't have either of these very often, but I like them.
3. My hair
4. My college degree
5. Driving with my sun/moon roof (???) open on a nice day or a warm night
6. Ice cream
7. romance novels
8. My family and all of the ridiculously cute babies they make

8 Phrases I Say Often
1. "I'm just sayin'" - thanks Kristin
2. "Let's be honest" - thanks Josh
3. "Hell to the no" - thanks Kimora Lee Simmons
4. Anything I can repeat multiple times like "I love love love _____"
5. Anything I can exaggerate about in general
6. love you
7. "Thank you for calling ______ _______. How can I help you?"
8. Follwed later by "Have a good night" - I even say this when I infrequently work during the day. Oops!

8 Things I Want to do Before I Die
1. Have sex.
2. Oh yeah, and get married (in the Temple)
3. and have a few babies
4. Not be fat
5. Pay off my debt
6. Have a totally happy family. For a few minutes at least
7. Own a home
8. Write a book

8 Things I've Learned From My Past
1. Not to eat my emotions. Okay, so I haven't learned this yet, but I'm hoping to.
2. It always better to do the right thing in the first place; fixing mistakes is no fun.
3. Not to spend money I don't have. This has taken a VERY long time, but I'm finally getting the hang of it.
4. Time spent with family is irreplacable. Even if it's inconvenient or a journey, see or call family regularly.
5. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Still working on this too :)
6. Save for retirement as early as possible.
7. Some things are really not worth talking about if they only result in an argument and no common understanding.
8. Buy low, sell high!

8 Places I'd Love to Visit
1. New Zealand
2. Paris, France (Arkansas too!)
3. Japan (to see Joy)
4. NYC, again!
5. LA (haven't been in a long, long time!)
6. Hong Kong (my Dad served his mish there and I think it would be fun to get him to go!)
7. The British Isles (this means I don't have to list England and Ireland as a seperate choice here :) )
8. Any part of Greece, Italy, France, or Spain that is on the Mediterranean

8 Things I Currently Need or Want
1. To pick the remainder of dinner out of my braces :)
2. To not have my braces on :(
3. Plane tickets for December
4. December to be now
5. a letter from my brother
6. a particular book to complete my collection
7. Mo' Money
8. to not work Saturday nights. Uggh!

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Bombay House (SLC)
2. Olive Garden
3. Eastern Winds (Ogden)
4. Jeremiah's (in Ogden, for breakfast)
5. Rumbi's
6. The Pie
7. Iggy's
8. Let's be honest, Beto's

8 People I Tag
Whoever wants to :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Stuff

New teeth ... kind of. My orthodontist shaped my 4 front teeth some on my last visit. The first picture is pre-shaping. He also moved a couple of brackets, which may add a minimal amount of time but he said I am ahead of schedule. The timeframe was initially 16-18 mos from Dec '07, so I'm hoping to be done by the big 3-0 in February, but I'm pretty sure that's a pipe dream!

Now I don't look like I have 2 square chiclets for front teeth :)

Also, my new and awesome room

Do you like how I rigged up this plate holder to hang neklaces from? It was nailed into the wall at my old apt, but I didn't want to put any more holes in the new virgin walls than I absolutely had to.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Can I tell you how much love this song?

You MUST watch this clip! New Taylor Swift song (White Horse) playing during Grey's Anatomy season premiere. Plus, the clip has a hot hot HOT kiss :)
(If you watch Greys, sorry - I know this is now like a month old, but I was talking to Melissa Leonard about this song and thought I would make it really accessible)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

So, in the last couple of weeks I've moved, worked a bunch of overtime, and been super super busy at work. Work doesn't seem to be slowing down much, with all of the volatility. My team did a little contest to see who could guess where the Dow would close today and I WON! Yippee! I won a package of Oreo's and guessed that the Dow would close at 9294. It actually closed at 9387, a record increase of 936 points up.

I know a few people have not watched the Sarah Palin - Katie Couric interview yet, so I thought I would post all 3 parts here. I know some people who have watched the SNL parody only, but this is even better. Once again, I don't hate Sarah Palin; I'm sure she's a very nice woman. But you couldn't write this stuff. This is seriously the funniest "serious" interview I've ever seen. It's fantastic!

Videos #1 and 2 are primarily about the economy and the bailout plan

Video #3 is foreign policy (and my personal favorite)

This is a really amazing greatest hits clip