Sunday, April 5, 2009

What do I do with my clothes???

I already have lots of clothes I don't fit. If you know me very well, you probably know that I have spent a TON of money on clothes in my lifetime. I have already given away a small fortune in clothes long before this surgery. I plan on giving some of my things away, but I want to sell some to pay down my Lane Bryant card too.

I need some input...
Consignment store?
Something else???

Let me know what you think. I'm not willing to sell things that originally cost $45 for $1; I'd rather give it away if it comes to that.

Tell me what you think


Bonnie said...

I really love the pic on your last post...Dead Sexy.

I would totally go to the consignment store. That's where it's at. There is one in Riverton or there is Playto's Closet. I have never been to either, but that's what I know about Consignment stores.

Bonnie said...

For anyone else that read the post above, that was from my friend Kristin who was logged in as me to post my week 5 pic. I did NOT call myself dead sexy!!! But thanks Krissy!

Amber H. said...

I agree consignment shop or Ebay, people make pretty good money on ebay, and you have some Cute clothes! People will pay descent money for those clothes on Ebay, you know cute clothes are hard to come by especially in those sizes your losing day by day!