Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, I know I'm beating a dead horse and I am completely tired of all the election hooplah also, but a guy at work sent me this fantastic link. It lets you pick which issues are important to you and how you feel about them, and after it tells you which candidate most closely resembles your views. I thought it was interesting!


Misty Moncur said...

Bonnie, that was a really cool website. Turns out me and Barack are like BFFs. Me and McCain would probably get in a cat fight if we were ever in the same room and I would win.

Heather said...

cool thanks for the link!

Misty Moncur said...

AWESOME! Definitely write a novel with me. I'm a really good starter, but a really bad finisher of things like this. So I totally need a buddy to pace me.

Amber H. said...

awesome Link! I miss you too! Tell everyone hi for me please! well I talk to mindy still but everyone else..

Gary and Renee said...

Hey thanks, I really liked that. I guess I voted for the right guy!

Ruth Pratt said...

Love it! Thanks.