Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Life is like a box of chocolates ....

So, for anyone I haven't talked to in a while, this is what's up.

I FINALLY graduated from Weber State in May of 2007 and decided I was ready for some kind of a change. So, I decided to look for a new job. I initially was looking for an HR job in Salt Lake. I had a very good friend helping me through this process and a friend of hers suggested that I work at Fidelity Investments.

This sounded ridiculous! I could never possibly be a stock broker! They said it really wasn't that big of a deal or all that hard, so I figured it was worth a shot.
I started at Fidelity in July, took and passed my series 7 exam in November and am now a Mutual Fund Trader. I should start trading stocks next month, which is a little scary. This is definitely not where I saw myself 5 years ago, but I am really enjoying it.

I moved into an apartment at the Gateway in October and now have a 3 minute walking commute! Love it!!! I work a really crazy shift; Sat-Tues from 5pm - 3:30am. I know this sounds strange, but I actually really love it. I get to sleep in as late as I like and people who call their investment company in the middle of the night tend to be really interesting. This should give me time to write here too! Some nights are really slow and some are really really busy with people trying to set up trades in the market for the next day. Life is like a box of chocolates!

I miss my friends in Ogden and all of my former co-workers, but this new experience has been challenging and rewarding in so many ways.

I also got braces at the end of December. Anyone who knows me, knows that I've never really loved my teeth and have wanted braces for a long time. So, I finally went for it. Most definitely not the greatest experience of my life, but it will be worth it! I guess I'll have to post some pics on here :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Life of Riley

So, this title is in tribute to all of the old people I talk to at work who love to talk about "The Life of Riley" when they hear my last name. I had to look it up; it's an old radio program from the 40's.

I have lots of friends who post here, so I thought maybe this was a good way to keep up and keep others updated too. I'll write again very soon and give everyone a nice long update on what's up with me.